Exercise for lose belly fat

 Blat belly at home:

    A flat stomach is one of those desires that many people long for, and that in some cases can make more than one person sleepless.  And even more so when you get on the scale, and check that you have gained a few extra kilos.  Thus, the first impulse is usually to join a gym with the firm intention of taking off that tummy and showing off the much coveted and desired tablet.  

       However, there are other formulas to achieve it, equally valid and much cheaper than joining a fitness center.

        The abdomen is made up of several "sections" of muscles, such as the obliques and the lower abdomen, and you have to make sure that you work each one of them with your training routines to achieve good results and get that famous six pack with which millions of men. (and women) dream,

       No one said that it was going to be easy or that the results were going to appear overnight, to mark the abdomen, like all the muscles of the body, not only do you have to follow a diet free of junk and foods that only have empty calories , you also have to do the right exercises and do a thorough, efficient and smart job, and that means you can't spend your whole life just doing crunches or those basic sit-ups you did in sports class at school.

       You have to train the obliques, integrate different variations of plates, focus on the upper part and also on the lower abdomen.  A full-body workout can certainly help, but it's also important to do exercises that target a particular muscle group or area at least once a week.

       Doing a special routine for the lower abdomen is the key to making the area look much more defined.

      Before you begin, you should be aware that lower core abdominal work may be less effective if you have tight or overactive hip flexors, performing the exercises with movements that are too exaggerated in their range of motion, or performing the exercise too fast, which prevents the work from concentrating well, so it is important that you focus mainly on doing everything with the correct form and slowly.

       Start by lying on your back, place your arms by your sides, and bend your knees and lift your feet slightly off the ground.  Next, use your core to lift your legs, as if you were trying to get the soles of your feet to touch the ceiling and move backwards.

     This exercise is performed hanging or on the ground.  For the hanging exercise, you should straighten your legs, then slowly go up and down in a controlled manner, without moving the rest of your body throughout the exercise.  For the exercise lying down, support your back on the ground, raise your legs together and straight so they point to the ceiling, and use your abs to lower them until they are very close to the ground.

       Cardio is a very important part of losing fat and achieving the coveted 'six pack', but bodybuilding exercises are the key to achieving iron abs.  Rescue the sports equipment or head to the gym, it's time to sweat the shirt.

       Perfect for activating all muscle groups, it is important to keep your back straight and squeeze your abdomen, arms and buttocks.

        Face up, with your back and head fully supported on the floor, raise your legs and pelvis towards the ceiling, focusing the effort on your abdomen.

     Crunch:Back on your back, alternately bring your elbow to the opposite knee.

     Russian twist:  Sitting with your legs bent and feet in the air, use a weight or ball to tilt it from one side to the other.  The effort starts from the obliques.


     Scissors.  On your back, raise one leg straight up while the other is held in the air.  Raise the legs alternately simulating a scissors.

     Sit-ups:Lying on your back with your legs bent in a frog position.  With a weight in your arms, sit and lie down without lifting your legs off the ground.

     Side plank withe rotation.  Side plank on one forearm rotating the body to the supporting side.

     Burpee.  You can not miss an effective routine.  We start in a squat, place our hands on the ground, keep our heads up and throw our legs back with our feet together.

      Another way to work the lateral abdomen is with shrugs.  Lie on your back, place your legs shrunken and support them on the ground, with your hands you should try to touch your ankles, first one side and then the other.  Don't forget to inhale when descending and exhale when shrugging your abdomen, since breathing is very important for the correct execution of this exercise.

      If you want to work your abs, with these exercises you will be able to do it for sure.  Complement your training sessions with a personalized nutritional plan based on the characteristics of your body, like the ones you will find at the Jenn Health Clinic, and show off your best version.


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