Excess weight is the consequence of consuming calories that far exceeds your energy expenditure . As the human body is forward-thinking, it stores unused calories in the form of fat mass within adipocytes to be able to draw on them when needed. To lose weight, you have to get rid of these fats . How ? Simply by reversing the trend, by spending more calories than you take in.
Here are some useful tips to loss weight
Adopt new long-term eating habits
The first parameter you can act on to get rid of your kilos is the composition of your daily meals.
Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables
Often, when we have extra pounds, it is because our diet is not very balanced. To lose weight and maintain the results of a slimming program , you must change your eating habits in a lasting way. No big revolution on this front, the healthiest diet most conducive to weight loss gives pride of place to fruits and vegetables, preferably fresh. Not only are they low in calories, but they also provide fiber that is good for health and increases the feeling of satiety, thus limiting the quantity of food consumed at each meal.
Choose good fats and carbohydrates
It is important to reduce the consumption of fats and sugars , but not just any way. What harms your metabolism the most are saturated fats, which are dangerous for heart health, and refined sugars which are generally stored by the body before they can be used as energy.
Unsaturated fats , particularly omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, are essential for staying in good health , both physically and mentally. It is therefore necessary to maintain a regular supply of olive, rapeseed or walnut oil for example.
To maintain a constant level of energy throughout the day, eat complex carbohydrates (pasta, rice and whole grains) in reasonable amounts at each meal. They will prevent you from being pumped at the end of the morning and will limit the desire to snack, often the main cause of the failure of a diet.
Maintain a proper protein intake
Proteins are a source of amino acids which are themselves the basic elements of all the structures of our body. Without them, our muscle mass would be non-existent. This is why it is important to maintain a sufficient protein intake at all costs .
If you eat meat, you can opt for the leanest ones: chicken, turkey, rabbit, etc. You can also opt for white fish. Nothing prevents you from eating other types of meat or fattier fish, but their consumption must remain occasional, and not daily.
Are you following a vegetarian or vegan diet ? Focus on plant proteins provided by legumes (peas, lentils, beans, etc.), soy and its derivatives, seitan or whole grains. Vary the sources so as to cover the widest possible range of essential and non-essential amino acids to meet all your body's needs.
Sport, your best ally for effective weight loss
To trigger the release of fat that your body keeps in reserve, there is no secret: you must increase your caloric expenditure . If your body needs more energy than it consumes, it will be forced to draw on its fat reserves. Thus, your figure will become slimmer and the pounds on the scale will decrease.
Daily physical activity
Whether you are a sports fan or not, the WHO recommends practicing physical activity for at least 30 minutes per day or taking at least 10,000 steps per day. Here, it's not about performance, but simply about moving by taking the stairs rather than the elevator or going to work on foot or by bike.
Sports that burn calories
In terms of sports to lose weight , those that are most often recommended to generate rapid and lasting weight loss are cardio sports: cycling, elliptical bike, running, rowing, swimming, etc. Performed at moderate intensity in 45 Minute sessions , at least 3 times a week , they burn maximum fat and offer visible results if you maintain good regularity over time.
But pure cardio is not the only way to lose weight effectively . Bodybuilding, although it is less famous as part of a diet, also has many advantages. It burns fewer calories in an hour than a cardio sport, but it causes fat burning which lasts much longer after stopping the activity. In addition, weight training helps increase muscle mass . However, muscle consumes many more calories at rest than fat, and therefore helps you lose weight even when you are doing nothing.
High-intensity interval training, or HIIT , is also a good way to lose weight when you have little time to devote to your sports sessions. The ideal is to mix cardio and strength training, regardless of the training method or intensity.
Dietary supplements for weight loss, how do they help you?
To lose weight quickly and sustainably, it is possible to use food supplements. We repeat it often because it is important, weight loss is achieved through a calorie deficit . “Fat burners” can help you obtain this deficit.
In the weight loss category , there are different types of products to help you lose weight:
Fat burners: Products with or without stimulants aimed at increasing your basal metabolism and therefore burning more calories.
Carnitine: An amino acid that helps you improve the transport of fatty acids to mitochondria, small units within the body to provide energy.
Appetite suppressant: This is a product that helps you reduce your appetite before each meal. It's a way like any other to reduce the calories consumed.
Diuretics: Also called drainers, these products are perfect for helping you eliminate water retention .
Slimming gels: These slimming creams are to be applied locally to help the body drain, tone and promote fat burning.
Whey protein : a weapon for satiety. How to use whey to lose weight ?
Can we achieve localized weight loss?
When you want to lose weight , you don't necessarily want to lose weight everywhere. Typically, women prefer to see their saddlebags, their abdominal belt melt or even lose weight in their thighs , while retaining their chest. It would be great to be able to choose the anatomical area to be slimmed down.
However, this is not possible. On the other hand, you can ensure that you maintain a negative energy balance, so as to lose fat mass throughout the body while refining and firming the areas that you want to slim down by remodeling their volumes through sport.
Some tips for losing weight effectively
What to do
To stay motivated and succeed in your weight loss, it is important to:
set specific and achievable weight loss goals,
plan your workouts so that they fit into your daily routine,
drink plenty of water to hydrate yourself well and eliminate the toxins generated by the burning of fat mass,
limit your consumption of alcohol which provides a lot of calories,
share your successes, but also your failures, with those around you to keep morale high,
always have fresh food at home to reduce the temptation to snack,
sleep well (lack of sleep can hinder weight loss).
What to avoid to achieve lasting results
When you're looking to lose weight, it's not weight that's your biggest enemy, it's frustration! While it's tempting to cut out all high-calorie foods, doing so suddenly risks having a negative impact on your morale. So avoid drastic calorie restrictions, in fact we have listed the 10 dietary mistakes to avoid . What you need to do is eat a little bit of everything, but in smaller quantities. And above all, keep having fun!
Additionally, the human body is designed for “survival.” When deprived of food, it rushes to store twice as many calories as soon as a suitable meal presents itself. This is why you should not skip meals. You risk paying dearly for it in the medium or long term. It is also this catch-up phenomenon which is at the origin of the yo-yo effect during repeated diets.
And then, the most important thing is to feel good about yourself and stay healthy.
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