How to get motivated to lose weight when depressed?

 How to get motivated to lose weight when depressed. for losing weight without getting frustrated

With the arrival of sunny ok, we only ask for one thing: to have a slender body and in great shape. The list of diets is endless and it is sometimes difficult to follow them to the letter. Deprivation, frustration and almost immediate weight gain! Losing weight without getting frustrated is possible! 

1.Limit junk food and opt for a healthy diet

First of all, because it is bad for your health. In English, we call it junk food. And it's not for nothing!

Junk food includes anything that is too high in sugar, salt, fat and artificial ingredients. Its problem is that it hides in the most harmless foods, and those that we consume on a daily basis.

We think in particular of prepared meals, which we fill with sugar and salt in order to make them appetising and to keep them longer. All industrial processed meats (sausage, ham, ), breakfast cereals, dairy desserts, pasteurised cheeses, industrial breads are among these foods that are considered bad. We don't forget, of course, everything from fast food (burgers, fries, sodas, etc.).

We are responsible for what we eat. Thus, weight gain linked to excessive or regular consumption of fatty and sugary products only depends on the person who puts them on the menu. Being careful does not mean getting frustrated, but thinking about both your health and your body. The expression “you are what you eat” clearly reflects this relationship between food and the repercussions it can have on us.

2.Stop counting calories and respect a balanced diet

First of all, the goal is not to lower your calorie intake. Calories are vital for the body: it needs them to move, think and breathe. Consuming less than the recommended intake (between 1,800 and 2,000 for a woman, 2,500 and 3,000 for a man) does indeed lead to weight loss, but it will be short-term. If, for a prolonged period, a person consumes 2,000 calories instead of 2,500, the body will readjust its energy needs and weight loss will very quickly be interrupted.

Then, not all calories are equal: for example, it is not because a third of minced steak (i.e. 30 g) and two thirds of a portion of rice (i.e. 50 g) have the same caloric intake. , which can be replaced one by the other. Each food has different and essential nutrients for the body. The important thing is to understand what is hidden behind the nutritional labels and to learn how to read them. In fact, we should focus more on nutritional values ​​than on the number of calories.

Let's take the example of a 600 calorie meal of deli meats. There is little chance that it will help you lose weight. Whereas a 600 calorie meal based on vegetables and lean meat will provide the body with the nutrients it needs, and they will not be stored as bad fats.

Once you understand this system, it is easier to plan your meals accordingly. In England, food labels have the image of a traffic light: green for a healthy product, orange when it should be consumed in moderation and red for products to avoid. This allows you to get an idea of ​​what the product contains, and thus to monitor your diet.


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We will therefore favor a diversified diet , which gives a large part to fruits and green vegetables, without forgetting legumes, using fats in moderation. In principle, a meal must consist of a raw vegetable, a vegetable dish accompanied by meat or equivalent, a dairy product and a fruit.

3.Exercising to lose weight

It is almost impossible to lose weight without physical activity, in addition to a healthy diet!

Sport is as beneficial for our lifestyle as it is for our body. To incorporate it into everyday life, it is essential to associate it with pleasure. So find an activity that you enjoy (swimming, running, cycling, etc.).


We recommend starting at your own pace and building up strength little by little, in order to get your body used to the exercise. The benefits of sporting activity are also felt on well-being and mood, so it is beneficial in all aspects.

Physical activity also requires small habits to adopt on a daily basis: taking the stairs instead of taking the elevator, choosing the bike over the car when possible, getting off the bus or metro one stop before and finishing your journey. while walking…

Practicing a sport will initially burn fat, then build muscle, and therefore refine your body. For it to be beneficial, the National Institute of Health and Medical Research advises setting three sessions per week, of at least 20 minutes each. Finally, the whole point of sport is that it is regular!

4.Discover the pleasure of eating

The timing of the meal is very important, and the conditions in which it is taken are even more important!


It is essential to eat slowly, seated, in a quiet place. This allows you to savor the moment, what you eat, and promotes the feeling of satiety. Eating satisfies our emotions, we thus notice a food-emotion relationship which is two-way: foods provoke emotional sensations and in return, emotions guide our tastes and our culinary choices. It's also a question of habits: the relationship with food goes back to childhood. We have been accustomed to eating at regular times, to eating certain foods…

The meal is also a moment of sharing and conviviality. We must not neglect any of them: breakfast is an important meal of the day because it is the first, but lunch and dinner are just as important.

In addition, dinner should be light, otherwise it will cause poor digestion. It forces the body to draw on its reserves during the night, and thus burn fat. You must also learn to listen to your hunger, and not eat mechanically by relying on the clock. The body tells us when it needs to be nourished, and eating only then allows us to appreciate our meal even more.


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